Wedding or Event DJ and MC Costs > Bay Area > CA | DJs Bay Area Weddings San Jose - San Francisco
Audio Guestbook Phone!
Now your guests can leave you an actual Voice Greeting that you'll get to keep for a lifetime!
It's as easy as picking up the phone and leaving a voicemail message:
Your guests picks up the phone and listens to a customized greeting
They hear the beep and leave a voicemail
After their done, they hang up!
That's it the voicemail is saved.
The Monday after your event we load all your audio files on a flash drive and mail it to you (online downloading coming soon).​
What's best is that this phone requires no landline, no outside electricity, no attendant.
It's a fun concept, read the instructions included with every phone rental, your
The Retro Phone $250.00 - Audio Guestbook Phone (Add-On Price Only)
Give it That 60's-80's nostalgic feeling:
Up to 5 Hours of Rental
Instructions Sign
Customized Voice Greeting
Unlimited Voice Messages
Basic Flash Drive With All Voicemail Audio Files
Setup and Breakdown
Retro Phones Available In: Beige, Pink, Green, Red, Yellow, Black (Selection is upon availability).
The Antique Glam $295.00 Audio Guestbook Phone (Add-On Price Only)
From The Roaring 20's To That Elite European Look:
Up to 5 Hours of Rental
Instructions Sign
Customized Voice Greeting
Unlimited Voice Messages
Basic Flash Drive With All Voicemail Audio Files
Setup and Breakdown
New Phone styles coming soon!
All the above are currently Add-On Prices to our existing services.
Have questions? we're here to help you, please email us here, call or text us at 510-938-7902